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MOESIS – Piccolo Angelo SRL

7 Valea cu Tei St., Greci, Tulcea County – România – 827080

Company No. J36/343/2007, VAT RO21985575

IBAN: RO60 CECE TL01 30RO N042 8980

+40 741.123.350

Our locations

Our products are distributed in the 14 working points of the group, located in Tulcea and Constanţa counties.
Also, through our own fleet, we ensure the distribution of our products in over 7 counties, to over 1500 partners.


Online orders can be picked up from the following locations:

Angelo Europolis

20 Păcii St., TULCEA
Tel: +40 757 059 116

Angelo Mangalia

33-35 1 Decembrie Blvd., MANGALIA
Tel:+40 748 152 519

Angelo Market

38 1 Decembrie St., MĂCIN
Tel: +40 758 037 712

Angelo Mircea

149 Mircea cel Bătran St., CONSTANȚA
Tel: +40 751 282 844

Angelo Dorally Mall

CONSTANȚA – Mangalia road, junction with Aurel Vlaicu Blvd., km 4-5, stand 137
Tel:+40 241 510 570